my offer for you

therapy offer

Merg­ing body with ener­gy work. For more info about the treat­ments I offer, please check out the fol­low­ing links.

Thai Mas­sage
Tok Sen
Indi­an Head Massage

opening hours

Every Tues­day and Sat­ur­day by booking.

Dura­tion of treat­ment: 45 min, 60 min, 90 min or 120 min.


a treat­ment with me costs:
120 CHF per hour

Dis­claimer: Unless there is an emer­gency, it is request­ed that you can­cel your appoint­ment 24 hours in advance. If a 24-hour notice is not giv­en, we reserve the right to issue a full-price invoice. Thank you for your understanding.

about me

My jour­ney as a mas­sage ther­a­pist start­ed right after I moved back to my home coun­try of Mal­ta. I had been liv­ing in Nor­way for five years work­ing as a fit­ness train­er and was look­ing to expand my knowl­edge to sup­port my clients bet­ter. I had long been inter­est­ed in the well­be­ing of the phys­i­cal body but soon enough I got curi­ous about tech­niques that could also help the ener­get­i­cal body. So I first achieved my Diplo­mas in the art of Indi­an Head Mas­sage and Mar­ma Point Mas­sage at the Nefer­ti­ti Beau­ty Acad­e­my in Mal­ta. I am par­tic­u­lar­ly fond of the Indi­an Head Mas­sage as it is a prac­tice used in dai­ly fam­i­ly life in Asian cul­ture to assist each oth­er with men­tal and phys­i­cal wellbeing.

Lat­er, I trav­elled to Thai­land to fur­ther my knowl­edge and learn about the tra­di­tion­al Thai mas­sage tech­niques direct­ly from the great mas­ters. My train­ing start­ed at the Sun­shine Mas­sage School in Chang Mai. I was blessed to meet my teacher Joe Khum­lee after a few weeks being in the city. From him I learnt deep secrets of heal­ing through the body that were passed on to him from his fam­i­ly of heal­ers. He also shared with me his exper­tise with the tech­nique of Tok Sen, a sacred tra­di­tion that uses spe­cial Tamarind wood­en tools to tap over the body’s ener­gy lines. It is still one of my favourite tools to use in my body­work prac­tice. Thai tra­di­tion brings togeth­er the phys­i­cal work and the ener­getic work in a mys­ti­cal way. I have since then focused my body­work prac­tice on this sacred union.

Liv­ing as a nomad for the last cou­ple of years, I have used my trav­el­ling expe­ri­ences to serve peo­ple around the world and to learn from expe­ri­enced prac­ti­tion­ers. I am now set­tled in the charm­ing Zurich and look­ing for­ward to sup­port you in your heal­ing journey. 



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